First day


writing diary

Haha, This is my first post here.

I started this blog because my English tutor recommends writing a diary in English. I'm still not good at expressing myself in English. Especially I can't make long sentences.

Also, I'd like to try the deno blog template. It's dogfooding :)

Deno blog

My first impression of deno blog, I like how the system is so thin, quite clean, and simple. I am also very impressed with how easy domain setting is in the Deno Deploy Dashboard. It also has an automated certification setup! I could set up within 10 min. Isn't it wonderful? Oh, I want deno task new-post command 🤣


I got this error when I built on my m1 Macbook Air.

TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'id') at xt (

And I got Internal Server Error when I tried to access :8000.

But I can deploy to deno deploy this.


Luca taught me how to fix this. Just clean cache.

deno cache -r main.ts

Thank you, Luca!

Today's ESL question

Taken from here:

What are some things you do every day?

I just started to write a diary in English! It's still 1-day streak heh.

What are some good habits you have?

It's a drawing study, drawing some figure drawing study with my iPad every day.

Do you have any bad habits?

Wake up late and drink tons of coffee.

Can your group give you any advice for your bad habits?

No, because I'm a solo now.

What is something you should do every day but don’t?

Write code every day. I wish I could do it every day, but my interest is so random then I draw, make music, make a lot of tweets, etc.

What are some activities you like to do?

I like to play futsal, but recently I can't do it because of the COVID-19 situation.

How much do you exercise every week?

Nope. Just walked around a little.

What is a successful life? What habits should you have to have a successful life?

Feeling happy is the key to success, so I should take more exercise to reduce my stress.

What three habits will improve your life?

  • Write code every day
  • Draw deno illustrations every day
  • Talk to my friends, and keep relationships.

What are some habits that can improve your English ability?

  • Write this diary every day.
  • Keep studying with DMM English conversation.
  • Watch youtube vids in English.

What is something you do about once a week, month or year?

It's futsal with my friends once a month, but it has stopped because of COVID-19.

Thank you for reading! Oh, I should record the writing time.

42min to write.